Shannon Baker
Registered Early Childhood Educator
Program Staff
Shelley Wiegand
Registered Early Childhood Educator
Program Staff
Tessie Fischer
Program Staff
Veronica King
Registered Early Childhood Educator
Program Staff
Annie Hannif
Registered Early Childhood Educator
Program Staff
Becca Betts
Early Childhood Educator
Part- time Program staff
Suzanne parnell
Resource Consultant
Staff is trained with Quality Childcare Niagara.
Trained in the Co-ordinated Approach to Child Health (CATCH) Program. The CATCH program is to guide your child to a Healthy Lifestyle. The Goals of the program are:
To foster love of physical activity.
Provide innovative health education information approaches.
To promote healthy eating behaviours.
To support the development of loco-motor (gross motor), non-locomotor (fine motor) and manipulative skills.
To support on-site gardening, nutrition, experiments, a broad range of low, moderate, and vigorous physical activities and to expand a variety of music options.
To Engage families with all of the above goals by offering suggestions to support the extension of children’s learning within the home environment (parent tip sheets, and standard communication and information.
First Aid and CPR trained!